Sapore di mare Parte 2 #parahworld


Ooooh every time you decide to go ahead to pass it anyway everytime your desires start your brain just like a game to play you can finally see it crystal-clear but you still feel the same that’s not what you want to be!

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Buongiorno a tutti! Come promesso ecco la parte seconda del mio outfit mare! Devo essere sincera mi sono goduta a pieno i pochi giorni in famiglia e mi manca tantissimo la normalita’. Sole, amici, relax, mare, aperitivi in piscina e serate i discoteca…ah che meraviglia!Intanto, oggi  ho il giorno libero dal lavoro e me ne sto  nella grigia Olanda ripensando a quei momenti e riascoltando la mia summer hit :i The Kolors! E cosi’ vi mostro il secondo look Parah che ho scelto! Un look giovanile, colorato e grintoso composto da bikini a fascia dai colori tenui e maxi tee con cristalli boreali. Alla fine visto che non sono affatto alta, ho optato per un paio di sandali comodi e colorati che mi dessero qualche centimetro in piu’ anche in spiaggia! Che ve ne pare???? Ho tanta voglia di mare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Un bacio!

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Goodmorning everyone! As promised here is the second part of my sea outfit! I must be honest I enjoyed  the holidays time with  family and I really miss  them. Sun, friends, relax, sea, cocktails on  the pool and evenings in the club ….wonderful! Meanwhile, today I have the day off from work and I’m in the gray Holland thinking back to those moments and listening again to my summer hit: the The Kolors! So I show you the second look from Parah colletion that I chose! A youthful, colorful and gritty composed bandeau bikini with soft colors and maxi tee with lights crystlas.I alsp opted for a pair of comfortable and colored sandals to give me a few inches more even on the beach! What do you think about my look ???? I really want to go to the sea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A kiss!

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