With fame and success comes a great degree of counterfeiting. Highly popular brands face a huge challenge, the one of protecting their designs and prestige from those who replicate best-selling products and sell the merchandise online or in shops at a fraction of the authentic item’s retail price.
Louis Vuitton is one of the most cloned handbags brands out there. Even though the company has produced an impressive number of models over the years with various designs, materials and colors, replica manufacturers have always managed to rapidly offer authentic looking imitations that could fool even the most experienced LV customer. This is why it is necessary to know how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag. It will help protect your money from bad purchases.
Below you will find the most important things you should be on the lookout when buying a LV purse.
These differences draw the line between a poor replica and a good quality handbag so it is crucial that you pay attention to them before making the purchase.
The canvas print
An authentic Louis Vuitton is manufactured from high quality canvas with an even pattern that is symmetrical and well proportioned. If there are any elements that do not align properly then this is your first clue that you should stay away from the product. The most common problems are tilted patterns and upside down logos. If the LV logo printed on the canvas on the back side of the purse is upside down then this is clearly an imitation. Basically, the pattern on a LV bag should be a symmetrical mirror image no matter how you look at it. For instance, the symbols printed on one corner of the bag should be
identical with the symbols printed on the opposite corner. Louis Vuitton purses are close to perfection and the canvas print is no exception.
The stitching
Another very important detail is the stitching of the purse. All LV bags have perfect stitching. The color
of the thread is yellow mustard and the stitches are even, finely spaced apart and perfectly
proportioned. If on your bag the stitching is loose, in a bright yellow or too close to the hardware or to
the edges then this is surely a replica.
The hardware
Authentic Louis Vuitton handbags are designed with brass metal hardware. This is a special alloy made from zinc and copper. In time, due to oxidation, this brass metal will darken its color and will have a greenish tilt around the corners. If the color of the hardware is too bright and it looks too shiny then this means that the bag is an imitation.
The lining
Take a closer look at the inside of the purse. Genuine LV bags have a variety of linings such as canvas, cross-grain leather, fine micro monogram textile, polyester or microfiber suede. All these materials are of superior quality, have a subtle texture and feel, and are in distinctive colors. Know your bag before you buy it and compare the interior of the original Louis Vuitton with the one of the purse you are considering purchasing. If you spot any differences then stay away from it.